Friday 24 May 2013

Lost generation

Thought you might enjoy this, it's pretty clever and literally half way through puts a good SPIN on the world, just when you think all is lost......


Tuesday 14 May 2013

Thursday 11 April 2013

Logo design

Ever wonder where some of our best known logos originate from?....
The graph below explains all; a real insight into the minds of some of the worlds most inspiring creatives and their inspiration...

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Working from home?...

This satiracal article about working from home made us laugh. aloud. alot....

THE DAILY MASH: Guide to working from home"
"Do not forget that you have a job: 24% of home workers can’t remember who they work for and what they are supposed to be doing. Write your employer’s name and job title on a Post-It note and stick it to the wall above your computer – this is a vital reference tool."

The article below describes a revelation in working at home alternatives for freelancers:

Friday 8 March 2013

Traits of an entrepreneur....

Pretty interesting...
1. Entrepreneurs are naive
2. Entrepreneurs are down to Earth
3. Entrepreneurs are lucky
4. Entrepreneurs are compassionate
5. Entrepreneurs are masters of nothing
6. Entrepreneurs are different

Some have said that entrepreneurs are made not born...Made from their obstacles, failures, and successes. And most importantly, they are made from their past and their experiences...  

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Office Attenborough...

Seems like our office intern has been perfecting his stapling skills!... Practice makes perfects after all! 

If you want a guaranteed 'laugh out loud' have a watch of this video! Its pure and simple comedy genius! 

We think he is just like the David Attenborough of the admin world....

David Brent: "They're malleable, and you know that's what I like really, you know. I don't like people who come here: 'Ooh, we did it this way, we did it that way'. I just wanna go do it this way. If you like. If you don't... Team playing-I call it team individuality, it's a new, it's like a management style. Again guilty, unorthodox, sue me."

Publilius Syrus: "Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness." 

Monday 7 January 2013


Happy New Year from the QLB Designs team! May 2013 be your best year yet!....
That decision, is down to you! Therefore a part of the QLB 2013 resolution is to...


A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but a person with a certain set of attitudes..

So SMILE! Because....