Wednesday 23 January 2013

Office Attenborough...

Seems like our office intern has been perfecting his stapling skills!... Practice makes perfects after all! 

If you want a guaranteed 'laugh out loud' have a watch of this video! Its pure and simple comedy genius! 

We think he is just like the David Attenborough of the admin world....

David Brent: "They're malleable, and you know that's what I like really, you know. I don't like people who come here: 'Ooh, we did it this way, we did it that way'. I just wanna go do it this way. If you like. If you don't... Team playing-I call it team individuality, it's a new, it's like a management style. Again guilty, unorthodox, sue me."

Publilius Syrus: "Do not despise the bottom rungs in the ascent to greatness." 

Monday 7 January 2013


Happy New Year from the QLB Designs team! May 2013 be your best year yet!....
That decision, is down to you! Therefore a part of the QLB 2013 resolution is to...


A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but a person with a certain set of attitudes..

So SMILE! Because....