Tuesday 12 March 2013

Working from home?...

This satiracal article about working from home made us laugh. aloud. alot....

THE DAILY MASH: Guide to working from home"
"Do not forget that you have a job: 24% of home workers can’t remember who they work for and what they are supposed to be doing. Write your employer’s name and job title on a Post-It note and stick it to the wall above your computer – this is a vital reference tool."

The article below describes a revelation in working at home alternatives for freelancers:

Friday 8 March 2013

Traits of an entrepreneur....

Pretty interesting...
1. Entrepreneurs are naive
2. Entrepreneurs are down to Earth
3. Entrepreneurs are lucky
4. Entrepreneurs are compassionate
5. Entrepreneurs are masters of nothing
6. Entrepreneurs are different

Some have said that entrepreneurs are made not born...Made from their obstacles, failures, and successes. And most importantly, they are made from their past and their experiences...